Personal Wellness has Evolved. Here’s Why It Looks Different in 2022

Personal Wellness has Evolved. Here’s Why It Looks Different in 2022

It’s that time of year when the “tips on wellness” company newsletter hits your inbox. August is wellness awareness month—and the conversations around wellness have changed dramatically in the past few years.  

“Exercise and eat your vegetables” expanded to include sleep…and then mental health. Some current definitions even include eight different dimensions, including aspects like spiritual, financial, and more.

Then with recent world events, the wellness conversation shifted again. We’ve been pushed into illness and stress beyond what we’ve ever experienced before. Generic wellness conversations fell flat as we looked around and asked ourselves, “How are we supposed to thrive in this kind of world?”

Have you felt the shift? 

Here are 10 ways the conversations around personal wellness in 2022 have evolved.

        1. People are tired of generic wellness advice. 

      During the pandemic, we became ultra aware of our wellness levels—or the lack of it. With everyone feeling the squeeze, promoting wellness was the subject we couldn’t hear the end of.

      The same wellness tips flooded in from emails, ads, posters, company newsletters, and more. It felt like every company had some version of the “drink water, exercise, wash your hands, take care of your mental health” message. We’ve even bonded over the shared experience of seeing overused phrases like “we hope you’re doing well in these unprecedented times.”

      Companies keeping up with their audiences are now shifting their wellness advice to more unique, practical tips. 

             2. The idea of perfect-home living lost some of its charm. 

          Plenty of ‘90s, ‘00s, and ‘10s shows showcased the romantic lifestyle of living in an aesthetic home, often in big cities. From adorable apartments to luxury homes…it was easy to lust after these cozy quarters when you had to leave your place to go to your 9 to 5 job.

          With the rise of stay-at-home jobs, people everywhere realized that being at home all day, every day was…tiresome. It wore on our mental health in a way that didn’t show up in our comfort shows. Even wonderful homes in the middle of bustling cities lost their magic. We saw a steep and steady rise in interest in travel and meet-ups.

          Even for the die-hard introvert, it’s fun to enjoy a change of scenery.

                 3. Mental health got a bigger spotlight. 

              Physical health is an important component of personal wellness. Yet it's hard to take care of that aspect when your mental health is struggling.

              Isolation, long-term side effects of illness, a constant deluge of bad news from media and news streams, working in risky environments, or sedentary working from home…there’s been plenty of mental health toxins to go around.

              Thankfully, it’s helped grow the universal realization that all of us struggle—and it’s ok to get help. It’s gotten easier than ever to find our flock and find strength in sharing our struggles.

                     4. People realized not having enough time wasn't the problem. 

                  When the world shut down, many of us suddenly got the time to do the cleaning, exercise, and projects we’d promised we’d get around to.

                  But as weeks turned into months, it became clear that having enough time wasn’t the problem.  Even with the time to do what we wanted to, it was still easy to feel overwhelmed.

                  If you feel like you *should* have gotten your life together with your extra time… you’re not alone.

                         5. Virtual overconnection got old really fast. 

                      Who doesn’t have Zoom burnout? Connecting over social media, zoom, and the phone worked out great…until it didn’t.

                      People everywhere realized meaningful connection couldn’t be replaced by text, email, or phone—or even just seeing their face on a screen. And as the world opened up, in-person events exploded. We could not get enough concerts, local events, and get-togethers.

                      There’s really nothing as healing as in-person connections with people that get you.

                             6. People discovered the value of going at their own pace. 

                          We’ve all been trying to figure it out all along—but now our shared imposter syndrome doesn't have to keep us isolated.

                          As social constructs fell away, we discovered more routines that truly made us feel rested. And the value of taking several months to adjust. Sometimes, you just need some unstructured time in your sweatpants to re-discover the routines that suit you.

                          Personally, we love how so many spaces now have a universal respect for everyone’s differing pace.

                                 7. People rediscovered things they love.

                              Which nostalgic trend did you jump on? Bread-baking? Roller skating? Crocheting? Making adorable iced coffees? Even just buying aesthetically pleasing items turned into a soul-healing hobby we all could enjoy.

                              Isolation hit us with the intense need for some inspiration. Or even just boredom busting. The Internet and social media algorithms came through, connecting people to others that had the same secret interests.

                              The wonderful perk of the trend was that many people rediscovered their childhood interests—and felt permission to pursue them again.

                                     8. People got more tired of fake wellness. 

                                  As inspiring as the polished Instagram and Tik Tok health tips look, the sheer volume of picture-perfect health gets overwhelming. It makes it hard not to feel like you’re the only person that isn’t living a life of glamorous wellness.

                                  We all got sick of it. And so we saw the explosion of people giving themselves permission not to look perfect on social media. Communities grew as they introduced more makeup-less content, behind-the-scenes views, and unedited looks into their lives.

                                         9. Unique problem-solving products went viral. 

                                      TikTok and Instagram showcased wave after wave of ultra-niche products. We bet that you ordered at least *one* viral product online in the past year. Did you jump on the skincare wave? Or get a kitchen gadget, like an airfryer? Or an electronic accessory or cleaning tool that made that one task way easier?

                                      The specificness of these product solutions makes us feel especially heard. They cater to such particular problems or specific interests—like they are reading our minds.

                                      Don’t mind us using our multi-plug charging station and aesthetic keyboard!

                                             10. People became hyper-aware of what filled their homes. 

                                          With so much time in the same area, people couldn’t avoid their home decor choices. Objects got more endearing—or annoying—as such a constant part of everyday life. There was a new wave of interest in objects that were extra pretty or inspiring.

                                          If you’re going to see it every day…why not let it add pizzazz to your life?

                                          That’s why we’re so into making such cute packaging at Pretty Vulgar.

                                          Of course, we want your cosmetics to be ultra-longwearing and top-quality. But when makeup shows up as a daily routine, it ought to give you joy when you see it on your vanity!

                                          We believe wellness is more than just your health. It’s also about enjoying the little things and routines that support the person you are and the person you want to be.

                                          Want to decorate your makeup routines with the cutest cosmetics you’ve ever seen? Start shopping right here.