Blog Posts

Personal Wellness has Evolved. Here’s Why It Looks Different in 2022
It’s that time of year when the “tips on wellness” company newsletter hits your inbox. August is wellness awareness month—and the conversations around wellness have changed dramatically in the past few years.   “Exercise and eat your vegetables” expanded to include...
Gel Vs. Liquid Vs. Pencil Eyeliner—Which One Is Best?
Pencil, gel, liquid…the options are overwhelming. But which eyeliner is your eyeliner? It can feel like eyeliner product descriptions say the same thing.  Stays all day!  Rich color!  Easy to apply!  How can you tell the difference when they all...
How to Apply Body Glitter like a Pro
Here’s how to get glitter to stick to skin + some face/body glitter ideas One of the most fun trends happening right now in the beauty world is ultra-glittery makeup. Around your eyes, accenting your bone structure, in festive patterns…the...
8 Unique 2022 Makeup Trends To Become “That Girl”
How to become That Girl in 2022: get bold and nostalgic with your makeup After consecutive summers of shut-down events during the pandemic, people are thrilled to get back to the activities they love. From concerts to coffee with friends,...
Exploring Sustainability In The Beauty Industry? 7 Questions To Ask About Your Favorite Beauty Brands
Responsible sourcing, ethical practices, sustainable packaging…there’s a lot to unpack when it comes to beauty industry sustainability The demand for “natural,” “sustainable,” and “organic” beauty products has skyrocketed over the past 3 years. Have you felt the push? For many...
Who Doesn’t Love Beautiful Contradictions? (like you!)

Life’s too short pass on a little glitter. At Pretty Vulgar, we’re all about aesthetically pleasing cosmetics that don’t require an event or certain personality to wear.

Accepting our Beautiful Contradictions
Just like how you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t know a person simply by looking at them. Instead, we’re all multifaceted and complex human beings. While this does make us imperfect, it also is what sets...
Thinking Big and Discovering Yourself.
In the age of Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, the way we look can seem like the most important indicator of who we are, what we like and how we live. While it’s true that our physicality can say a lot...
Our Favorite F-Word: Failure and Why You Need to Fall Before You Fly
There's one F-word we all love to hate: Failure.  Yet whether it's in business, relationships, or mastering the perfect wing, failing is impossible to avoid. While setting high standards for ourselves can push us to be our best, it's easy...
Your Comfort Zone Is A Beautiful Place...
But Nothing Grows There People naturally gravitate toward the familiar. But eventually, you run out of that favorite shade of lipstick. Your first impulse is to replace it with the same old shade as always. But what if you took...